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The Wedding of

Bram and Tesa

By the grace and blessing of God, we request the honor of your presence as we are united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

" Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. "

Proverbs 3:3
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The Groom


The Bride

Foto Bram Sendiri

Brahmantyo Yudho Prabowo, S.I.A.

Son of
Mr. Daniel Edhi Sedio Utomo
and Mrs. Anastasia Sri Muryani


Foto Tesa Sendiri

Rovina Putri Tesalonika, S.E.

Daughter of
Mr. Rovinus Simangunsong (✝)
and Mrs. Afrina Sari Ginting

Count The Date

Day and night changed so quickly, between thrilling moments that we had never felt before. We look forward to welcoming family and friends, to bear witness to our vows on a happy day:

Wedding Event

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Holy Matrimony

Saturday, November 25th 2023

Time : 01.00 - 02.00 P.M.

Location :
Jakarta Cathedral
Katedral Street No. 7B, Ps. Baru, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta, 10710

Our Gallery

Help us capture the best moments on our wedding day with Instagram Filters in Stories. Save the filters that we have provided and don't forget to tag our Instagram

Wedding Gift

Your presence is the most beautiful gift. However, if you wish to express your love to us, you can do so through the feature below.
BCA No. Rek 5770726966
A.N. Brahmantyo Yudho Prabowo
Mandiri No. Rek 1670005298210
A.N. Rovina Putri T


Your presence shall be a great honor for us and our families. Please confirm your attendance through the reservation form below:

Wedding Wish

Thank You

It will be a joy for us if you are able to attend our wedding day. Thank you for all the kind words, prayers and attention. We wish your understanding of all the health protocols restrictions. See you on our wedding day!

Bram and Tesa

Made With Love By
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