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Join On Our Big Day

Silvia & Ficky

"If I know what love is, it is because of you." — Herman Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund

Sabtu, 13 Januari 2024

We invited you to celebrate our wedding


The Couple

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dengan memohon rahmat dan ridho Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, insyaaAllah kami akan menyelenggarakan acara pesta pernikahan kami :

WhatsApp Image 2023 12 22 at 16.14.31

Silvia Dani

Putri Dari
Bapak Masrizal
dan Ibu Yuhelmi


M.Ficky Irawan

Putra Dari
Bapak Mardi
dan Ibu Sumiatun

WhatsApp Image 2023 12 22 at 16.21.40

" Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya diciptakan-Nya untukmu pasangan hidup dari jenismu sendiri supaya kamu dapat ketenangan hati dan dijadikannya kasih sayang di antara kamu. Sesungguhnya yang demikian menjadi tanda-tanda kebesaran-Nya bagi orang-orang yang berpikir.

( QS.Ar - Rum 21 )

Akad Nikah

Sabtu, 13 Januari 2024

Pukul : 09.00 WIB - Selesai

Lokasi Acara :
Jl. S.s Qasim, Gg.Dt Perpatih








Sabtu, 13 Januari 2024

Pukul : 11.00 WIB - Selesai

Lokasi Acara :
Jl. S.s Qasim, Gg.Dt Perpatih

Love Story

First Meet


We met at work in 2020. Since then we have known each other. We only met at work.
7 months we worked in the same place, After that in 2021 our communication was not smooth, sometimes there was news sometimes there was no news. Even had lost contact
At the beginning of 2023 we started communicating again although not often. And in June, to be precise on the 13th, the first time we walked together. Day by day we became closer and we often went out together.



When we were both sure of our feelings, in the 8th month he came home to meet my parents to tell them that he was serious about me. Alhamdulillah, my parents accepted it happily. Finally the proposal process took place on September 15, 2023.

Get Married


At the time of the proposal procession, our families immediately discussed a good day for our happy day. The result of the discussion was finally chosen on January 13, 2024 for us to hold a marriage contract and wedding reception.

Live Streaming

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Amplop Digital

Doa Restu Anda merupakan karunia yang sangat berarti bagi kami. Namun jika memberi adalah ungkapan tanda kasih Anda, Anda dapat memberi kado secara cashless.
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a.n Muhammad Ficky Irawan
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Silakan transfer ke Mandiri
a.n Silvia Dani
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Silahkan transfer ke rekening
a.n Fauzan Ashary
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Konfirmasi Pengiriman

Ucapan dan Doa

Thank You

Silvia & Ficky

Made With Love By
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